Department Of Mathematics


The department strives to impart value based higher education particularly to the socially and economically deprived sections of society and to impart higher education to the student community in order to empower and enrich and make them self-reliant.


We aim to provide total quality education with emphasis on character development through a multi-textured approach towards honing generic skills, which lie dormant in every young student.

  • To provide students with knowledge and capability in formulating and analysis of mathematical models in real life applications.
  • To provide students with knowledge and insight in Mathematics so that they are able to work as Mathematics professionals.
  • To introduce the fundamentals of Mathematics to students and strengthen the student’s logical and analytical ability.
  • To introduce the fundamentals of Mathematics to students and strengthen the student’s logical and analytical ability.
  • To encourage follow up of latest scientific research and techniques in the field.


  • Formulate and develop mathematical arguments in a logical manner.
  • Acquire good knowledge and understanding in advanced areas of mathematics and statistics, chosen by the student from the given courses.
  • Acquire good knowledge and understanding in advanced areas of mathematics and statistics, chosen by the student from the given courses.
  • Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern technology in multidisciplinary environment.
  • A research-oriented learning that develops analytical and integrative problem-solving approaches.
  • To inculcate training and practical approach by using modern technology amongst the students in the field of accounting and finance.